

Nikita is the stereotypical sister to Juliet. She wants to mimic, play, annoy, and sometimes challenge Juliet. She is the "baby" and she plays that card well. While she is smart, she's eager to keep learning, as long as the learning has a game and ends in a treat. She is the biggest cuddler and is obsessed with belly rubs. 

Nikita is happy indoors in the air conditioning but also loves outdoor activities, her favorite being swimming in the pool. Once she's in she doesn't like to come out. Kayaking is another favorite but she spends as much time floating as swimming next to the kayak. Car rides don't impress her much but occasionally she'll stick her head out the window to say hello to other drivers.

Nikita has a more dependent personality than Juliet and prefers all of the pack at home. If anyone leaves for work or school, when we get home you would've thought we were gone for a month the way she wants hugs and kisses the second you walk through the door. She is also amazing with babies and kids as she naturally knows not to play rough. Strangers however, will get a few barks until they prove themselves to Juliet that they mean no harm. 

Head over to our Gallery and watch a slide show of our favorite Nikita pictures!

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